






O mně: Hi, welcome to our channel. We are a couple who have been living together for eight years. We found each other when we were young, and as soon as the opportunity arose to start living together, we did. Oh yeah, we've been married for almost two years now. We have two cats that we love very much. So what are we doing here? It's simple really. We'd like to bring more realism and passion to the world of porn. Wanting to make the video more lively and natural. We want you to look into the frame and feel the mood. To do this, we try to work on the angles and the exposure of the frame, and of course with the coloring, we like not only the process of sex, but also the process of creating the video. We will develop our content and hope you will support us. PEACE BE WITH YOU ALL!

O mně

Hi, welcome to our channel. We are a couple who have been living together for eight years. We found each other when we were young, and as soon as the opportunity arose to start living together, we did. Oh yeah, we've been married for almost two years now. We have two cats that we love very much.
So what are we doing here? It's simple really. We'd like to bring more realism and passion to the world of porn. Wanting to make the video more lively and natural. We want you to look into the frame and feel the mood. To do this, we try to work on the angles and the exposure of the frame, and of course with the coloring, we like not only the process of sex, but also the process of creating the video.
We will develop our content and hope you will support us.
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CoupleOfLovers Femdom S Připínákem tvůrčí porno videa

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